Desarrollo de Competencias Emprendedoras a Través de la Implementación de la Metodología de Aprendizaje Denominada "De la Oportunidad al Emprendimiento"

  • Juan Fernando Reinoso Lastra Universidad del Tolima
  • Luis Fernando Serna Hernández Universidad del Tolima
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Culture, Entrepreneurial Attitude, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem


This article presents the results of a research project accomplished by the ECO research group at the University of Tolima, aiming at developing a enterprise learning methodology called "From Opportunity to Entrepreneurship", contained in six (6) guidelines or learning moments and adapted from the business process model quoted by Varela (2001). The six (6) guidelines are presented as moments of autono­mous learning, which are part of the "From Opportunity to Entrepreneurship" methodology that aim to develop entrepreneurial skills. These guidelines start with an individual analysis of the entrepreneur skills and attitudes -who is recognized as a transforming agent of the environment, creatively- and continue with an entrepreneurial process, ending with the development of an entrepreneurship project in any area, taking into account the opportunities and motivators provided by the entrepreneurial ecosystem.


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How to Cite
Reinoso Lastra, J. F., & Serna Hernández, L. F. (2015). Desarrollo de Competencias Emprendedoras a Través de la Implementación de la Metodología de Aprendizaje Denominada "De la Oportunidad al Emprendimiento". Revista De Economía & Administración, 12(1). Retrieved from