Exportaciones industriales del Valle del Cauca 1980-2005: un ejercicio de datos de panel
Through an exercise of econometric data panel, this paper estimates the sensitivity of exports of the different subsectors of industrial activity in the department of Valle del Cauca on three variables: external demand, exchange rate and trade agreements during the period 1980-2005, a period with crucial moments for the development of the export sector (before the 90-little-trade diversification, during the 90s-economic openness-and-twenty-first century boom in trade agreements). However the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica, DANE-source from which the data-changed and adjusted their use of the International Standard Industrial Classification, CIIU, greater levels of disaggregation are some inconsistencies, which is why the time limit on this research is the year 2005. The results show a high sensitivity of exports to world income and relative prices (ERR).

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