The common good, the common interest and decision making

  • Hernán Ocampo Solarte Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Keywords: Common Good, common interest, decision making process, welfare concept


An examination is made of the decision making process in the light of the concepts of the Common Good, Common Interest, Welfare concepts, and obstacles found by leaders, like incomplete information and lack of unanimity. Having this in mind, different rational paths are explored to find the best prescription for making a decision from the perspective of the community welfare. In the study, enlightened criteria are given to construct a framework of concepts to be taken in account when making a decision close to the optimum desired by the community.


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How to Cite
Ocampo Solarte, H. (2010). The common good, the common interest and decision making. Revista De Economía & Administración, 7(2). Retrieved from