Incidencia de los factores geo-estructurales tamaño y distancia en la distribución espacial de las unidades económicas dentro del territorio colombiano

  • Elizabeth Aponte Jaramillo Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Keywords: Urban and Regional Economics, Relation size - position, Economies of agglomeration, Colombia


This paper shows the results of a research for the Colombian municipalities according to their size, where the objective is to identify the agglomeration economics in the country, according to Number of Economics Unities count by the National Administrative Department of Statistics, DANE. The analysis method is descriptive and emphasizes on size and distance factors to comprehend that the more distance from big markets the small municipalities have, the less economic activity is developed. Conclusions underline that big size cities (metropolitan areas) are the big markets (agglomeration economies). However, these areas (Bogotá, Medellín, Cali y Barranquilla) are not integrated, therefore, the jerarchy of business centers gets reduced.


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How to Cite
Aponte Jaramillo, E. (2009). Incidencia de los factores geo-estructurales tamaño y distancia en la distribución espacial de las unidades económicas dentro del territorio colombiano. Revista De Economía & Administración, 6(1). Retrieved from