The paradox of the rational fool: rationality and personal agency in Amartya Sen

  • Henry Daniel Vera-Ramírez SENNOVA-Centro de Servicios Financieros
Keywords: WEA, bounded rationality, rational logic, social welfare function, personal agency


The following paper analyzes the relationship between logic and bounded rationality, using as a tool the formalization of two key axioms in the study of welfare economics and decision theory: the WEA (weak of equity axiom) and the social welfare function. For this purpose, we resort to the explanation developed by Sen (1997), from his capabilities approach and the importance of personal agency. It is concluded that, if aspects related to subjectivity and its influence on decisions are not included in the explanatory models—under the traditional logical formalization—, perfect rationality is only an incomplete explanatory model in the valuation given by economic actors to their possible choices.


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How to Cite
Vera-Ramírez , H. D. (2021). The paradox of the rational fool: rationality and personal agency in Amartya Sen. Revista De Economía & Administración, 17(2). Retrieved from