• Juan Pablo Rico Gómez Rico-Gómez Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
  • Gilberto Millán-Obando Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Keywords: territorial development, local and municipal development, Chocó (Colombia)


Much of the literature that has studied the department of Chocó (Colombia) focuses on highlighting the conditions of high poverty that exist, socioeconomic gaps, unsatisfied basic needs and the climate of illegal activities and violence that is experienced, (Pérez-Valbuena, 2008; Bonet, 2007; Robledo, 2019; Romero, 2009; Cepeda, 2010; Romero, 2015; Ayala, 2014); Among these, it is mentioned that the fight of illegal armed groups causes homicides, restriction of mobility, deterioration of economic aspirations, recruitment of young people, among others. In this sense, most of what has been published shows the readers dysfunctional aspects of this territory, but very little is investigated about the specificities within its municipalities, which have some kindness to show. Under a descriptive analysis, based on spatial econometrics, the added value and the most outstanding productions that occur in the municipalities of Chocó are observed; Likewise, with the municipal development index indicator, the conditions inherent to income, health and education levels are appreciated. Among the results, it is conclusively established that although the HDI is generally low in the municipalities, in the health component some are prominent; On the other hand, there is no pattern that leads to think that the location of the municipality influences the result of its added value, however, the contents of its productions can provide some idea in this regard, such is the case of Istmina and Riosucio, which share the stage with Quibdó in several of the productive activities, these three municipalities being the ones with the greatest relative economic weight in the department.


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How to Cite
Rico-Gómez, J. P. R. G., & Millán-Obando, G. (2022). PRODUCTIVE ACTIVITY AND HDI AT THE MUNICIPAL LEVEL IN THE DEPARTMENT OF CHOCÓ (COLOMBIA). Revista De Economía & Administración, 18(2). Retrieved from