Infraestructure Availability of the Pacific Region of Colombia (prc): A Cross- Sectional Analysis by Departments

  • Leidy Julieth Gruesso López Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Keywords: Local economic development, development infrastructure, Pacific Region of Colombia


This article presents a cross-sectional analysis by administrative units and municipalities of the Pacific Region of Colombia in terms of some infrastructure indicators, starting the analysis with general information about this region. Based on information of the 178 municipalities of the region during 2014-2017, a descriptive statistical approach is applied, according to the availability of each indicator. The results show that, even though the availability of infrastructure is characterized as intermediate level for this region, there are some gaps within the region.


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Author Biography

Leidy Julieth Gruesso López, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente

Economista de la Universidad Autónoma de Occidente. Asistente de investigación.

How to Cite
Gruesso López, L. J. (2019). Infraestructure Availability of the Pacific Region of Colombia (prc): A Cross- Sectional Analysis by Departments. Revista De Economía & Administración, 15(2), 11-28. Retrieved from