Aspectos Propositivos para el Mejoramiento de los Sistemas de Evaluación del Desempeño (sisevad) en América Latina

  • Ana Laura Rodríguez Gustá Rodríguez Gustá Universidad Nacional de General San Martín
  • Carlos Wladimir Gómez Cárdenas Universidad del Valle
Keywords: Systems Performance Evaluation, Modernization of Public Administration, Latin America


Performance evaluation is a central element in the administration of public affairs. Given the impor­tance of this phenomenon, the way refinement of methodologies for measuring performance should acquiesce more often in search of administrative achievements that ultimately will lead to achieve­ment of society. Under this imperative the present paper based on the discussion topic proposals from literature and the study of three practical experiences (Central Bank of Argentina - BCRA, the National Civil Service of Chile, and Mexico's Federal Electoral Institute - IFE), seeks to offer proposals for improving aspects of Public Performance Evaluation Systems in Latin America.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Gustá, A. L. R. G., & Gómez Cárdenas, C. W. (2014). Aspectos Propositivos para el Mejoramiento de los Sistemas de Evaluación del Desempeño (sisevad) en América Latina. Revista De Economía & Administración, 11(2). Retrieved from