The paper achieves its objective of analyzing the linkages forward and backward in the various branches and / or products of Valle del Cauca´s economics in 2004, based on the development of a quadrant that registers the value of purchases and sales of products between industries (interindustry-flows) of the information provided directly by different economic agents of the region. The research was conducted in 79 branches and / or products of the region and the analysis focuses on the thirty (30) first branches and / or products of the economy most representative of Valle del Cauca. This ranking sector was made taking into account the weight between the monetary value of total intermediate consumption matrix and the number of backward linkages and forward. According to the outcome of the investigation, the ten (10) first branches and / or products of the economy have elevated intermediate consumption, high forward and backward linkages, strong demand for intermediate inputs and important suppliers of intermediates products. In a scenario of growth in the region have to wait for these branches with high values in intermediate consumption are the most to grow, as demand for its products will increase relatively more than the others, also make an effort to be production considerable because their products are demanded in large quantities.
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