Los marcos globalizantes y la investigación universitaria

  • Ivarth Palacio Salazar Universidad del Rosario
Keywords: Academic revolution, knowledge society


In this article the author does an analysis related with the evolution of the university in a broad sense from the beginning in Bolonia and Paris 1000 years ago to the present. It shows the principal characteristics of European university and the way as it was evolutioning across the history as well for the more important universities in the United States. It does an analysis of first and second academic revolution and the transformations that the university has been doing particularly from the Second World War and more specifically in the last decade in which appears the so called “knowledge Society” and haw this influence the relations among countries and blocks but particularly in the international trade. It does an analysis of relations between the state, the private sector and the academy and how they had evolutioned and for to understand these phenomena’s of interrelations it take the case of China for its transformations due in the last decades and its influences in the global context.


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How to Cite
Palacio Salazar, I. (2008). Los marcos globalizantes y la investigación universitaria. Revista De Economía & Administración, 5(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.uao.edu.co/ojs/index.php/REYA/article/view/232