Dinámica del mercado laboral y probabilidad de estar desempleado de los profesionales: Un análisis de las trece áreas metropolitanas
The present document describes the evolution of the professional labor market in the Total of Thirteen Metropolitan Areas (TTAM) and develops a model that allows to calculate the probability for a professional to be unemployed. The information of the second quarters of Encuesta Continua de Hogares (ECH) in period 2001-2006 is used. The results show that the economically active population of the area under study characterizes by a major and increasing qualification level. The global rate of participation of the professionals is higher than the rate of the nonprofessional ones. By occupational category, it is observed that the private sector has gained importance, generating source of employment for the professionals, whereas the public has lost it. Also, the preference for the use of informal channels is evident. The factors that explain the probability of being unemployed of the professionals are the years of study, the experience, the squeared experience, the gender and being home head. However, the marginal effects on the probability of being unemployed of all the explanatory variables are stronger in the group of the professionals than in the nonprofessional ones.
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