Una mirada a la competitividad desde los distritos industriales
This article is presented as a subproduct of the researching “Competitiveness model for enterprises located on Valle de Aburra through industrial districts formation, financed by Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellin and Skynet Medellin S.A. The article means to show the relevance of creating strong productive structures through the conformation of industrial districts for PYMES (small and medium size enterprises) in Colombia and Latin America. Commercial agreements and economic integration of countries demand this kind of associative schemes as real and concrete facts to avoid the tragic out of business for thousands of PYMES in Colombia. Free Trade Agreements and Commercial Integration are both great opportunities, not only for macroeconomics better behaviors but opportunities for enterprises. However, the design and development of productivity strategies like Clusters, Added- Value Chains and Industrial Districts become great solutions for standing of enterprises.
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