Características de las Prácticas Gerenciales en Mipymes del Sector de Confecciones y Comercio de Prendas de Vestir en Tunja-Boyacá

  • Dora Esther Fonseca Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
  • Ligia Inés Melo Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Keywords: Management, trade, small business, organization and management


According to Crosby (1988) management is "the art of making things happen" as long as they do well with effectiveness, efficiency and addressing social and economic market surrounding the company, looking to achieve concrete results, allowing stay and grow in time, and developed according to basic business decisions, but accurate. In Colombia 96.4 % of business establishments are represented by my SMEs, so the importance of this research which seeks to determine the characteristics of management practices in (MSMEs) sector of apparel and clothing trade dress in the city of Tunja Boyacá which was part of a non-experimental study design, descriptive, conducting an extensive literature review and fieldwork by applying a survey and interviews with business leaders.


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How to Cite
Fonseca, D. E., & Melo, L. I. (2014). Características de las Prácticas Gerenciales en Mipymes del Sector de Confecciones y Comercio de Prendas de Vestir en Tunja-Boyacá. Revista De Economía & Administración, 11(2). Retrieved from